Youth Ministry

Grades 7 - 12

The Header image
"Our firm decision is to work from this focused center: One man died for everyone. That puts everyone in the same boat. He included everyone in his death so that everyone could also be included in His life, a resurrection life, a far better life than people ever lived on their own."
2 Corinthians 5:14-15 (The Message)

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Sunday AM Bible Study – 9:45 to 10:45 @ The HUB Student Center

Every story casts His shadow.

66 books. Dozens of authors. A holy canon thousands of years in the making. Every word, every verse, bears His testimony. Of the Holy Messiah. Jesus Christ. Eternal King.

The Gospel Project® is a chronological, Christ-centered Bible study for students that examines how all Scripture gives testimony to Jesus Christ. Over the course of three years, participants will journey from Genesis to Revelation and discover how God’s plan of redemption unfolds throughout Scripture and still today, compelling them to join the mission of God.

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What is MIDWEEK? 

Our weekly “big event” that connects students to their…

  • Creator…through worship, prayer & Biblical teaching
  • Community…through dinner/hangout time & group fellowship
  • Cause…through opportunities to serve others

When does MIDWEEK meet?

  • Every Wednesday night from 5:30-7:30pm

What happens at MIDWEEK?

  • Supper and hangout time from 5:30-6:30. Meal is in the gym and is free to all first time guests! (normally $5)
  • Student led worship beginning @ 6:30pm in the Hub
  • Relevant teaching for students
  • Fun elements (videos, games, etc)

Who can attend MIDWEEK?

  • Any student currently in grades 7-12
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Go Deeper Here

Throughout the year we have opportunities for students to get out of their comfort zone and encounter God’s Word. Those opportunities include summer camp, mission trips, worship conferences, fun trips, and weekend discipleship events. You can always check back here find info and registration for our next event.

Upcoming Events

I'd love to meet you!

You can reach me by email at if you have any questions concerning the youth ministry at FBC Fayetteville.

We also have text groups that you can join to stay up-to-date on the latest youth ministry news:

Parents - text "@fbcparents" to 81010

Students - text "@fbcy" to 81010

Chad Hancock

Youth Pastor
